A main visual difference between hardwood floors and luxury vinyl is the irritating pattern repeat noticeable in larger rooms. PureGrain from Engineered Floors solves this problem by digitally printing patterns directly on the vinyl. With 35 pattern variations, the finished vinyl floor looks more like real hardwood.
Luxury vinyl plank is a wonderful product—especially the wood-look planks. The only problem is there are only so many patterns in each style. Sometimes, on a large floor, you'll notice an irritating pattern repeat. In other words, planks with the exact same knots, grain and color will be repeated throughout the floor.
The exciting news is that we just received a new display of PureGrain luxury vinyl plank by Engineered Floors, manufactured in America. It is the only product that I know where the pattern is digitally printed directly on the vinyl. That allows for a whopping 35 different patterns that are randomly distributed among the boxes.
Come to Island Carpet and see our new selection of PureGrain luxury vinyl plank by Engineered Floors.
If you have any questions about selecting luxury vinyl floors, give us a call at 401-214-0285 or visit our showroom. We serve customers throughout Rhode Island and southeastern New England, including Newport, Middletown, Jamestown, Portsmouth, Bristol and more.
About Ken: Ken Fain is the co-owner of Island Carpet in Middletown, RI and a floorcovering veteran of more than 40 years. His popular 'Ask Ken' video series answers common flooring questions on a variety of topics. It has reached hundreds of thousands of viewers on both YouTube and Facebook.
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